Artificial Intelligence

Promising Trends of AI by 2030

A Look at Future AI Trends by 2030

In the fast-paced world of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of innovation. Its transformative potential not only reshapes industries but also redefines our interaction with technology. As we peer into the horizon of 2030, a lot of exciting promising AI developments awaits, bound to revolutionize our daily lives.

A Look at Future AI Trends by 2030 Read More ยป

2024: Year of Robots Transforming the World

2024: Year of Robots Transforming the World

We are no longer into a Sci-Fi film as 2024 is shaping up to be a landmark year for artificial intelligence, especially in the domain of robots that can interact with the physical world. Coined as “Embodied AI,” this concept is about creating machines that aren’t just smartโ€”they can act and interact in environments just like humans. Let’s dive into why this year is set to be revolutionary in the world of robotics.

2024: Year of Robots Transforming the World