Mehul Thakkar

Don't shy away from negative reviews

Don’t shy away from negative reviews

Did your business receive a negative review? Don’t panic and hide your face in shame! And definitely don’t ignore it, it’s the worst step you can take. Negative reviews are a part of running a business, and they can actually help you grow and improve. In fact, negative reviews can be turned into a positive experiences that can help you build a better relationship with your customers. So, instead of shying away from negative reviews, embrace the challenge and learn how to handle them like a pro!

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Succeed with BI in Sports

Get ahead of the game: Succeed with BI in Sports

The sports industry is more competitive than ever, with teams and organizations constantly searching for ways to stay ahead of the game. The answer? Business Intelligence (BI). BI intervention in the sports industry has changed field games and enabled sports managers to learn the power of data. This covers the players, fans, and sports in general.

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AI Strategies to Accelerate Startup_s Growth

AI Strategies to Accelerate Startup’s Growth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been transforming various industries and businesses across the globe. The ability of AI to process data and learn from it has made it a powerful tool for businesses to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Startups are no exception to this trend. In fact, they can benefit even more from AI as they are typically more agile and can implement AI strategies faster than larger organizations.

In this article, we will explore some of the AI strategies that startups can use to grow their business.

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the netflix story

Lights, Camera, Pivot! The Netflix Story

Today, we’re going to dive into the exciting world of pivoting a business and use the ultimate streaming service, Netflix, as our case study. You might be wondering, when is it time to pivot a startup? Why is it essential to pivot? And how exactly do you pivot effectively? Well, fear not, because we’ll explore all these questions and more with a witty and interactive tone as we dissect Netflix’s journey from a DVD rental service to a streaming giant. So, grab some popcorn and get ready to learn!

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Youtube_s Secret Weapon Irritating Ads cover

YouTube’s Secret Weapon: Irritating Ads

Let’s face it: we’ve all been held hostage by those pesky YouTube ads at one point or another. You’re eagerly waiting to watch that cute cat video or learn how to cook the perfect omelet, and suddenly, your screen gets hijacked by an ad for some obscure product you’ll never need. Frustrating, right? Well, YouTube Premium claims to be the knight in shining armor, offering an ad-free experience. But is that the real reason people pay for it? Spoiler alert: it’s not about the exclusive content; it’s all about those annoying ads.

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Subway India_s Digital Marketing Success Story

Subway India’s Digital Marketing Success Story

Let’s talk about marketing attribution in the digital analytics age, shall we? As businesses continue to shift to online platforms, understanding marketing attribution has become an essential part of digital marketing. So, what is marketing attribution, you ask? Well, it’s the process of determining which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and conversions to your website. In simpler terms, understanding which marketing strategy gives you the best return on investment (ROI).

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